the blog of alex holden (poet, digital video artist, photographer, human)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Regarding the fact that america’s birth as a nation was a still birth


“take what you need and leave the rest, but they never should have taken the very best”
-taken from THE NIGHT THEY DROVE OLD DIXIE DOWN by the band

some say this country’s greatness
was born in the fires of the war
btwn the states………………………….

I say that perhaps, our greatest were taken
From us:
By a tyrannical government,
by the forces of evil,
& because of this fact-our modern nation
was a still birth…...............................

......that miracously lived......................
.........................and lurched forth...and was
furthered and propogated by
offspring of the war btwn the states who were
not “our very best”

“Advice to my nephew on his 1st birthday”

[some lines are original creations of the author, some lines taken directly from F. Wake and some lines are altered lines from F. Wake]

life, he himself said once, is awake,
livit or kick it – a phrase which the
establisher of the world – said his
p’s and mind mined his Q’s by…

crypticly through the windowdisks and with
eddying waves, the round eyes – at the
first crack of thunder – awoke the pair
headed Arden…

I call our universe to witness – any dog’s
Life you list & - the abundant mercy of
Him which Thundereth on High – Chuffy
Was an Angel whose soared flesh Lighted Like Likeing…

And how to say – it is what is – what
Is that O’ Holy Troopers – the whole
Thingamabob – including the portions of glee
Glue green; for up you stumble – for with glee
You guess - 4 with search you fling – over the wiles
Of the Willy – Wooly - & Woolfy…

[of the WWWorld]

Friday, April 24, 2009

deadly swine fluee outbreac

ok ok
ill write one
ok ok
ill right won
ga lottery is on the telly right now,
cash four they call it
1 7 9 5
were the numbers
12 - 22 - 19 - 24 - 33
that was fantasy five
the man on the tee vee said
play on georgia.

i take a break
craigs list killer
news does story that says
craigs list bad
ads that say,
hot sexy
multiple orgasims gurateneed
or your money back.
they say.

the one guy from the news
is being mean to the craigs list

casual services
is the section they
the news
is going after.
promise to
beat each others back side
until they bleed
the news say one ad
said this

more dun now

a BOB dobbs MYTHOS online art EXHIBIT

BOB dobbs

an online presentation of art inspired by and dealing with the mythos of the paramedia ecologist, educator, artist, prophet, poet, magus of the paramodern age: Bob Dobbs (

presented by:
alex holden


frater 222

sponsored by:

sponsored in part by:
the fook/koof art movement

[prices available upon request, for more details private message frater 222]
-frater 222
"you were, tootoo too ...the graced of gods...& salus of the wake...Winner...primed at the studience, propredicted...the choice of ages wise! Spickspookspokesman of our specturesque...we miss your smile."